Beautifull !!

We went to visit to Indi Designs and well.. we have no words for the style that this shop has.. is just great, sexy and with class, very good quality of clothes as you can see at the pic, in her outfits she includes even accesories. Check too for the shoes & boots!!

Skin: Lara Hurley-Alexia electric blue hairbase. Lara Hurley. Lara Hurley
Face tatoo:-SU!- Add On Your Face Tattoo 05 SU!- Suicidal Unborn -:-
Outfit:INDI Designs - Brianna (comes with accesorys) INDI Designs
Earings :[U&R DOGS] JF2010 URDOGS.
Boots:INDI Designs - O'Grady Boots black INDI Designs.